Monday, May 10, 2010

New Arrivals

Today Kelly and I spent almost the entire day in the garden... heavenly!  The sun was out, it was probably 69 or 70; I didn't watch the news tonight, so I'm not sure.  Jason cleaned out the entry to the cow pasture today.  That "stuff" was the worst smelling stuff ever.  It's basically old rotting straw layered with cow poop.  It should make wonderful compost, but in the meantime, whoa, that stuff stinks.  Unfortunately we were down wind of the pile all day!

Thanks to Kelly and my efforts and the amazing work of my friend and neighbor Rachael, we made a lot of progress this weekend!  Jason even helped out with the tilling a little.  In the meantime, he's been building my behemoth planter boxes. 

I even planted some of my peas.  Yes!  I finally have something in the ground!

Then tonight our new calves arrived.  They're pretty small and skittish.  They don't quite know what to do about this new home.  They should be happy though, there is plenty of grass to eat!  They are No. 914 and No. 915, or, as Kelly affectionately knows them, Bert & Ernie.  :)

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