Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Empty Canvas

I think the rain sounds different after a dry spell.  I know, that makes me sound 90, but I believe it, and I don't know how else to say it than "dry spell".  Besides, I wish I had the wisdom of a 90 year old, so I guess until I get there I'll just pretend.  :)  Ok, enough of that little tangent.

I had a wonderful weekend!  Alyse and I did a wedding on Saturday at McMenamin's Cornelius Pass Road.  It was such a beautiful venue.  I dream of our place looking like that some day.  Of course, I don't know in what parallel universe I will have a full time garden staff, but I can dream.  Anyway, the venue is so amazing.  There is a beautiful metal arbor that spans about 15 feet wide and about 40 feet long, covered with yellow Wisteria.  It's so beautiful! The ceremony has a beautiful sprawling magnolia tree that was no longer in bloom, so we made it bloom.  We tied big white lily blooms on some of the branches.  I was really happy with how it turned out.  Somewhere the McMenamin's gardener is cursing whoever tied lilies with water tubes to his tree.  Oh well, it looked lovely and I did it with no damage to the tree. :)

I heard some very cool news on Saturday.  My neighbor Steve let me know that having the goats graze in our back pasture has doubled their goat's milk production!  So they gave me 1/2 gallon of goats milk.  I really want to make cheese, but I'll need a lesson first.  :)

Sunday my wonderful neighbors Steve and Laurie let me borrow their tractor and rototiller so I tilled the entire garden.  It is now a wonderful blank canvas, ready to receive all of the wonderful seeds I have intended for it and it will not grow weeds and it will rain in the garden when it needs it and I will be able to go and pick flowers whenever I need them and bring in tomatoes, peppers, peas, potatoes and corn galore.  Uh oh, I guess I slipped into the dream world of full time gardeners and ideal conditions again.  Ok, back to reality.  It does feel really good to have the earth tilled and ready for planting and I'm so excited about all of the possibilities.  I know one thing for sure.  There will be lots and lots of trellises and vines and beautiful growing plants.  I just love this time of endless possibility.

Monday my wonderful neighbor Dave came over and finished tilling the pumpkin patch.  That's ready to go now too!  Wow, I really do need a full time garden staff.  Maybe I need to start researching CSAs.  Oh well, it will keep me young, right?  :)

Jason and I also worked on finishing one the four giganto planter boxes he's building.  It's going to be amazing to have the vegetables up that high.  I sure hope the boxes can handle all that soil.  :)

Happy gardening everyone!


  1. Somehow, reading your blog always makes me feel a little tired. You get so much done! And, my rototiller has an inferiority complex now - holy moly! I can't wait to see pics of the wedding flowers - that sounds gorgeous!

  2. PS I like that you pay attention to tan lines even when driving the tractor - modern farm girl, for sure. :)

  3. Oh no! You saw straight through my vanity! :) That is the single solitary reason I would even consider being caught in a "tube top"! Just to avoid the tan lines!
