Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Day

This day started off fabulously and ended wonderfully too!  We had breakfast with friends, The Adams family (believe me, it's much more pleasant looking at this version of the Adams Family than the one you're thinking of) this morning and received a plethora of dahlias that Sarah divided from her stock.  I thought she had maybe 10 to 12, I bet there are 50 or more dahlia tubers in the two boxes she gave me!  I'm so excited; it looks like I'll have my rows of dahlias I was hoping for after all!  We also got to hear about their wonderful trip to Hawaii and Ben's adventures snorkeling.  It sounded absolutely amazing!  Oh and how they frequented the local Farmers' Market in Hawaii which was open every two days!  Heaven!

After breakfast, I dragged Jason to the Milwaukie Farmers' Market and got a wonderful surprise.  The "Tart Lady", more sophisticatedly known as "The Market Gourmet" is now participating in the Sunday Milwaukie Farmers' Market!  I fell in love with her Tarts and desserts at the downtown Portland Farmers' Market years ago and now she's so much closer! :)  I was also very happy to buy my first banana fingerling potatoes of the season at one of the stands.  I can't wait to dig into them tomorrow night for dinner.

Then we came home, started the burn pile and took a nap.  I know, that doesn't sound very safe and responsible, but believe me, everything is so unbelievably drenched (and it's still raining) that it's not going anywhere.

This afternoon we laid out the lines for the berry vines.  We couldn't get the tractor three point to work, so we didn't get the posts placed, but we at least have the plan in place. I also got the little "tent" of hog panels set up for the peas.  In the past, I've just had one row, but I decided to lean two panels together like an A-frame and plant them on both sides.  I also have a row in the middle, that's been started for two weeks, so I'm going to tie twine from the top and drop it down for those plants to climb.  I hope it all works out as planned.  I'll let you know of course.  :)  In the meantime, Jason finished the additional tomato cages we needed and I planted flowers until it was too dark to see my own hands.  Today was heavenly.  I find myself feeling like childish, wanted to shirk responsibility and spend my days playing, only now, I long to play in the garden instead of the playground.

Last but not least I received a wonderful e-mail from the mother of the bride from the wedding I did yesterday.  She said the flowers were gorgeous and that I outdid myself!  That makes me so happy!

Have a Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wedding Completed...Now back to gardening

I often wonder what defines a "successful wedding", in terms of wedding flowers anyway.  I started to type, "I had another successful wedding flower delivery today." But what is successful?  I was pleased with them, but I admit I worried throughout the day if they were the right shape the bride wanted.  So, you could say it was a successful wedding flower delivery, in that they were delivered, in the right color and quantity ordered, but I would really feel more successful if I knew she was happy with them.  

I went outside to take the picture of the bouquet above and found the girls perusing the back yard for the occasional grub, or seed.  I think they look just as pretty as flowers with their different colors against the green grass.  

Getting into the venue was interesting, you have to be "buzzed" in, like Seinfeld.  :)  Alyse was a trooper.  I think she got far to used to having that bouquet too close for comfort.  She had to ride all the way downtown with it in her lap, then carried it and had to hold it while we waited for them to let us into the building.  

Here's a couple of pictures of the flowers.  Hope you have a great holiday weekend!

Friday, May 28, 2010


I'm finally done with my last wedding for the month... and it's not even midnight!  It is such a great feeling to know I'm not going to have to pull an all-nighter.  I way over purchased peonies and under purchased roses.  When will I ever learn?  I guess the thing is, it's hard to know exactly how things will go until you see the size and the shape of the flowers you'll be working with.

I guess this post isn't very farm-ish, but now that the weddings are done I'll have more time to work on the farm. Plus, hopefully the weather will clear up soon.  It's been in the 40s and raining for far too long!

Have a great holiday weekend!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Interesting Finds

Like I said, we have a lot of interesting finds around here.  I was planting the blueberry bushes today,

 and check out the tree root I came across.  I thought it was just a piece of wood that got buried, but it ended up being a huge tree root.  The interesting thing is that it was just this piece.  I don't know how long it's been since there was a tree in that area.

On a great note, though, we go the 12 tomato plants I purchased yesterday planted, and an artichoke.

 We also got all of the blueberries planted and Kelly planted 3 rows of carrots.
 Jason finished lining the inside of one of the planter boxes and leveling it.  Now he just has to get cinder blocks to make the leveling permanent and then tomorrow I can line the inside with plastic and we cal fill it!  :)

It felt so amazing to get so much done today.  It rained off and on all day, but we took cover in the barn and inside from time to time as we needed it.  I didn't get anything done on the pumpkin patch, it was just too wet!

Here is our first little strawberry of the season.  Isn't it sweet!  :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interesting Finds

I started off the day delivering flowers for a wedding.  It was in Hood River, so I didn't get to hand the flowers to the bride like usual.  I delivered them to the bride's future mother in law who delivered them to Hood River.  There's nothing like the relief of delivering that precious cargo then driving off without a care.  On the way to the location I'm stopping as gently as I can, taking corners at 30 mi an hour, sometimes 20.  And then, when they're delivered I can zoom off and breathe easy.  Ahhh!  I am still anxious to hear what the bride thought though.

Also on the agenda today, was planting pumpkins.  It's amazing the things we find in our fields.  My neighbor tilled up the pumpkin patch and amid the rain showers Alyse and I we went through picking up rocks and the various other items that had been uncovered.     Today it was a legos toy and I think what they called a "shooter" a big marble.
 I found them very interesting though.  I was really excited about the marble.  It just reminded me of the history of this property before us and the kids that have played here.  You know what I mean?  I feel very fortunate to have found it, what with going through the rototiller and all.. That and a ketchup bottle  and several shards of random glass.

We planted a couple rows of pumpkins today too.  It was quite discouraging but we hung in there, despite the soggy ground and got two rows planted (about 36 plants).  Only 200 more to go!  :)
Before the dig was conducted I made cupcakes for my friend Rachael's birthday party.  They turned out pretty yummy.  It was Lew Boyd's chocolate cake.  A recipe from my favorite author, Jan Karon.  I was impressed; even if I do say so myself.  I don't bake from scratch very often, but when I do, it certainly pays off!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Arrival

Tonight we're celebrating a new arrival of a different kind.  Not the farm kind... well, her daddy says she will be a cowgirl, but I can imagine her in pink and shopping with mommy just as easily.  Whomever she turns out to be, we are happy she is here safe and sound...

Welcome, Madalyn Margaret 6 lbs. 12 ozs. 18 1/2" long.  She is healthy and as you can see has beautiful dark hair.

   I really think she looks like her big sis Caitlyn.  :)

Welcome to the family sweet baby girl.  We love you already!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Empty Canvas

I think the rain sounds different after a dry spell.  I know, that makes me sound 90, but I believe it, and I don't know how else to say it than "dry spell".  Besides, I wish I had the wisdom of a 90 year old, so I guess until I get there I'll just pretend.  :)  Ok, enough of that little tangent.

I had a wonderful weekend!  Alyse and I did a wedding on Saturday at McMenamin's Cornelius Pass Road.  It was such a beautiful venue.  I dream of our place looking like that some day.  Of course, I don't know in what parallel universe I will have a full time garden staff, but I can dream.  Anyway, the venue is so amazing.  There is a beautiful metal arbor that spans about 15 feet wide and about 40 feet long, covered with yellow Wisteria.  It's so beautiful! The ceremony has a beautiful sprawling magnolia tree that was no longer in bloom, so we made it bloom.  We tied big white lily blooms on some of the branches.  I was really happy with how it turned out.  Somewhere the McMenamin's gardener is cursing whoever tied lilies with water tubes to his tree.  Oh well, it looked lovely and I did it with no damage to the tree. :)

I heard some very cool news on Saturday.  My neighbor Steve let me know that having the goats graze in our back pasture has doubled their goat's milk production!  So they gave me 1/2 gallon of goats milk.  I really want to make cheese, but I'll need a lesson first.  :)

Sunday my wonderful neighbors Steve and Laurie let me borrow their tractor and rototiller so I tilled the entire garden.  It is now a wonderful blank canvas, ready to receive all of the wonderful seeds I have intended for it and it will not grow weeds and it will rain in the garden when it needs it and I will be able to go and pick flowers whenever I need them and bring in tomatoes, peppers, peas, potatoes and corn galore.  Uh oh, I guess I slipped into the dream world of full time gardeners and ideal conditions again.  Ok, back to reality.  It does feel really good to have the earth tilled and ready for planting and I'm so excited about all of the possibilities.  I know one thing for sure.  There will be lots and lots of trellises and vines and beautiful growing plants.  I just love this time of endless possibility.

Monday my wonderful neighbor Dave came over and finished tilling the pumpkin patch.  That's ready to go now too!  Wow, I really do need a full time garden staff.  Maybe I need to start researching CSAs.  Oh well, it will keep me young, right?  :)

Jason and I also worked on finishing one the four giganto planter boxes he's building.  It's going to be amazing to have the vegetables up that high.  I sure hope the boxes can handle all that soil.  :)

Happy gardening everyone!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Steer Hide and Seek?

Who would've thought I would witness my husband in a game of "tag", "chase", I'm not quite sure what to call it.  Maybe Hide and Seek would be best.  My friend/floral assistant Alyse spotted him out in the field running and hiding behind a tree.  I then watched the steers go tearing off through the field behind him.  Mind you, if he stops, they apply the brakes and keep a safe distance.  He was just having fun with them.  I just didn't know they would be so curious as to chase after him.  I could see them running from him, but they were giving full chase after him.  For any of you who plan to buy beef from us, you now know that not only were the animals well fed and watered, they were given exercise and entertainment too.  :)

I have a wedding tomorrow at McMenamin's Cornelius Pass Road.  Hopefully I'll have some nice pictures to post.

Hope you have a wonderful sunny weekend!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Maybe "Simple Pleasures" should have been the name of my blog.  I'm certain I've used that title before.  So, today in my list of simple pleasures, the first that comes to mind is a few spare moments between Jason heading out to the soccer game with friends and me getting started on flowers for a wedding Alyse and I have scheduled on Saturday.  We were outside Kell's house, and I laid on the ground looking up at him and just chatting about the day.  He took the opportunity to pull long stems of grass and aim them in my general direction.  I don't know why, I just found it funny.

Second, was when my neighbor's dog spotted me in the newly tilled pumpkin patch and ran over full speed, around the corner of the property and up the drive just to wag hi.  She also gave Kendra and I a good excuse to stop and visit with each other.  Sometimes distractions are really blessings, you just have to be ready to accept them.  Tonight, I was.  :)

I also got to water the flowers in the garden and visit with my friend Jeff on the phone.  He's always good for a laugh and/or general harassment that makes me laugh!

Then my friend Alyse came over to help get started on the flowers. Mostly we just laughed and talked and learned more about each other, as we always do.   I'm sure I'll have some pics to post at least by this weekend.  Maybe we'll even have some to post tomorrow.

So, it's interesting, the best parts of my day were all neatly contained between 5:00 and 11:00.  Once again I find myself thinking of how lucky I am to be surrounded by such wonderful people, that call me friend.  

And I thought this post was going to be all about the new pumpkin patch.  My mind, has a mind of it's own! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Arrivals

Today Kelly and I spent almost the entire day in the garden... heavenly!  The sun was out, it was probably 69 or 70; I didn't watch the news tonight, so I'm not sure.  Jason cleaned out the entry to the cow pasture today.  That "stuff" was the worst smelling stuff ever.  It's basically old rotting straw layered with cow poop.  It should make wonderful compost, but in the meantime, whoa, that stuff stinks.  Unfortunately we were down wind of the pile all day!

Thanks to Kelly and my efforts and the amazing work of my friend and neighbor Rachael, we made a lot of progress this weekend!  Jason even helped out with the tilling a little.  In the meantime, he's been building my behemoth planter boxes. 

I even planted some of my peas.  Yes!  I finally have something in the ground!

Then tonight our new calves arrived.  They're pretty small and skittish.  They don't quite know what to do about this new home.  They should be happy though, there is plenty of grass to eat!  They are No. 914 and No. 915, or, as Kelly affectionately knows them, Bert & Ernie.  :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Summer came for a visit today!

Today it actually felt like Summer is on it's way.  It was beautiful, sunny and quiet.  What better combination could there be.  :)

I woke up a 5:40 this morning, went for a quick walk to cut some salal from the roadside up the street (for a sample bouquet I was dropping off to a client this morning.  Then I made my first batch of granola!  It turned out great!  I'm never going to buy granola again!  It was really easy and it tastes great!

We finished the upper pasture gate today, so I invited the neighbor's goats over for a snack.  They have a very shady lot, so they don't have a lot of ruffage to eat.  My neighbor, Laurie was so excited to see them running around in the grass.  I was dissmayed to watch one of them walk right through the electric fence!  It turns out the bottom line wasn't hot like it should have been.  So Jason had to make a quick fix and then they got the shock they should have the first time.  I didn't want to see them get shocked, but I did need to make sure they were going to be contained!  I think they enjoyed their visit.  They only stayed for about an hour because  it's fresh spring grass, so Laurie wanted to make sure they don't get too much rich grass too soon.    It was great to see them munching on the blackberries!

Maude was so funny today.  She decided to lay in the feed bin.  I've never seen her do that before.  I assume it's because of the warmth of the black plastic.  Whatever the reason, it was pretty funny.

My friend and neighbor, Rachael, came over to help me weed in the garden today.  She made excellent progress while I was off working on the gate with Jason.  She does a really great job.  I'll have to try to remember to take a picture of it tomorrow.  You'll be impressed! :) 

Last but not least, how can something so annoying be so beautiful...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today was one of those days when the pressure is so great it feels like someone is standing on your chest.  I guess the entire last week was like that if I stop to think about it. There are just never enough hours in the day and work always seems to take up two too many.   Then I went to feed the chickens and pull a few weeds.  It's amazing how quickly the stress can just melt away. When I got done,  I stood for a while facing the sky with the heavy rain drops falling on my face, breathing in the clean air.  I know I've complained about the rain lately... (there's just so much of it), but it was so refreshing, it just helped to wash away the stress with every drop.  I know jobs are necessary, and responsibility is a good thing, but there's nothing like the childlike act of playing in the rain to bring everything back into perspective.  I hope you enjoy the rain too.  Oh and if I post sometime in the future how sick I am of the rain, just remind me of this post.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


They say a weed is just a flower in disguise.   I put that phrase to the test today when I very fastidiously pulled out every bit of this "weed" I could find.  When my friend Kelly and I took a break and went to a local perennial plant sale I was horrified to realize I had just very diligently pulled out every bit of my gooseneck loosestrife.
Lysimachia clethroides
I'm so sad!  I replanted some of the roots Kelly and I could salvage from the compost pile, but that poor little plant was doing absolutely beautifully and I ripped every bit of it out that I could find.  I just couldn't recognize it.  Shame on me for not marking things.  I'm going to have to go the route of placing a little stake in the ground next to my plants.  That and putting mulch down so the ground doesn't get so weed ridden that I can't tell my plants from the weeds.

So here is the after pic I promised yesterday:
No, there is no reason for the little belt of weeds left in the middle.  We simply each had a section to work and gave out before we cleared it to the middle.  We decided to go for something that was a little more instant gratification- the beds that have been covered with bark chips so there were only a few weeds to pull.  So we successfully cleared 1/4 of the flower bed and two veggie rows.
I think this picture pretty much shows I was in 7th heaven.

Oh and my wonderful neighbor Kendra stopped by to invite me to the Master Gardner Plant Sale in Canby, but I was knee deep in the project so I decided not to go.  She's decided not to plant a garden this year so she offered to help in ours.  I love that idea and I'm sure we'll have more than enough produce to share!   I'm all for that of course!  This promises to be a fabulous summer! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


To most people rolled metal hanging on a hinge is no big deal but to me, our new gate means life will be a little easier.  It means that I can move the cows from one pasture to another without the ordeal of closing the front gate and not knowing which direction they'll decide to go!

I tried to catch some cool shots today and Jason's comment, as I was lying in the grass was, "Ok Ansel Adams, I need your help up here".  The little ladybug and I had a successful photo shoot before I was interrupted though.

When we were done with the gate, I took a small nap then got to work weeding in the garden.  Here is a before picture... Hopefully I'll have an after picture for you tomorrow.  We'll see, it's amazing how long things take to complete.

It was kind of cool too, one of my little blue hens came over to check things out while I was weeding. I could lie and say she was keeping me company, but anytime I raised my hand to throw out a weed, she decided to run off so I'm sure she was just busy eating weed seeds for me.  That was appreciated too though. Munch on my little hen, munch on!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.