Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Showers

 So, a 4 year dream came true today!!! I finally have my goat stanchion.  It looks great; Jason did a beautiful job.  :)    I got the goats hooves trimmed in about 1/2 the time it normally takes.  The goats weren't too jazzed about it at first, but they calmed down after a bit.    They never really like you picking up their feet, but they stopped jerking them back after a while.  Maude actually did much better than Harold.  It's just so much better than laying them on their side to trim their hooves.  They just never relax when we do it that way.

I also picked up warming trays for my seeds.  I planted a few trays, but I have a several more to plant.  I planted   Zinnias, Polar Bear and Orange King, I also planted some Cuphea, Purple Passion.  I hope those do well in this area; I'm not sure if they're suited to our environment.  I ordered them from  That's one nice thing about Territorial; you know they will do well in our area.  Baker has a great selection though, so I love to order from them.  I'll post more pictures as soon as they start to sprout.  :)

I also thought I'd post some pictures from the bridal shower flowers I did a couple of weeks ago.  I wish the pink was a little brighter, but sometimes you have to just take what's available.

1 comment:

  1. The goat stanchion is so cool! Kudos to Jason. Hope he's feeling better.
