Saturday, April 17, 2010

Precious Cargo

Today was a day of precious cargo.   The day started out bright and early with a delivery of 24 potted plants to the Oregon Escrow Council seminar.  The president ordered them from me when he learned that I have a floral design business.  I was scheduled to attend the seminar anyway, so it was nice to be able to make some money at the same time.

Then tonight, I took my friend Ryan to dinner and the movies, we saw "How to Train Your Dragon".  It was wonderful!  Ryan declared it the best movie he's seen yet, but admitted that each one seems to take that title.  He's such a great kid.  It occurred to me tonight that he will soon outgrow me, in height.  I don't know why I didn't notice it until we were walking out of the movie, but I suddenly realized, He only has a couple of inches to go before he passes me up.  It's amazing how quickly they grow up.  I'm so happy he isn't outgrowing  me yet.  :)

Then I ended the day grabbing eggs from the barn, in the dark without a basket.  Well, that's not totally true, I had the headlights from my car.  I had moved the goats to the barn and used the headlights to light the way for them, so I just went ahead and grabbed the eggs while I was in there.

Now I'm enjoying some quiet time on the porch wrapped in blankets. Hobbes is out here enjoying it with me and I'm sure with all the froggy songs, Emma is by the creek trying to spot one.

 I stopped to give Kelly a hug on the way up the drive and when I hugged her goodbye we realized how great it smells outside, so I decided to ditch the housework (it is 10:30 after all) and hang out here.  Everything smells so wonderfully fresh and sweet.  We guessed that it's the lilacs and maybe honeysuckle.  Another amazing thing I've noticed is how wonderfully bright it is outside, without any help from us at all.  We think we need to illuminate everything, but it's really amazing without any help at all.  I wish I could post a picture, but it's something you just have to see for yourself.  Have a wonderful Sunday...


  1. That's quite the haul! Housework is highly overrated. Apparently, I also think it unnecessary.

    I love the smell of springtime and can just imagine how glorious your place must look.

  2. Ohhhhhh..... that sounds SO divine right now...
