Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Evenings

I don't know if there is a time of the year that I value the waning sun more than these sunny spring evenings.  They are just so few and far between.  This spring seems wetter an colder than last year, so any evening that it's not raining is a night rush home, to change into work clothes and head outside.  I let the goats out to enjoy some fresh grass and a little exercise for a few hours while I get to work.  Tonight that included cleaning up some brush and mowing the grass along the neighbors driveway, which is actually on our property. (Just so you don't think I'm crazy)  I got the mower stuck, just high-centered basically, and had to pull it out by hand.  That was interesting.  But I did it; which was a huge victory.  I was having terrible thoughts of having to drive Jason up there to help me get it out.  Phew, bullet dodged.
I talked to my neighbor about tilling the pasture for the pumpkin patch for me yesterday.  He said he'll be happy to help.  We probably won't be able to do it until May, however, due to the amount of rain we've had lately.
This weekend will be a big weekend for the chicks.  I'm going to let them out of their brooder for the first time.  They have all their feathers and they're getting really big.  They're still trying to sleep under Paula, and they're about 1/3 of her size now.  It's pretty funny looking.  Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post soon.

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