Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I am so excited!  Due to my wonderful husband's hard work on the deer fence last year, I am finally seeing blooms on my strawberries and apple trees.  Aren't they beautiful?  Even more beautiful is that these flowers hold the possibility of actually yielding fruit.  I say possibility because there are a multitude of pests and trials that stand in the way of us and our first apples, but for now, there is the promise!  :)

My wonderful husband also had a great idea today.  He said "Isn't there a way we could combine the compost pile and the chicken yard?  That way they could scratch through it and deposit their "contribution" and it would break down faster.  I thought it was a fabulous idea and apparently so do the girls!
One more thing and then I'll leave you for the evening...
Is this what it feels like to be hunted? 
 I decided to lie down in the grass and watch Emma hunt and before I knew it, I was her target. :)

Have a wonderful week...

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