Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rain, rain go away ... Come again next week; give me a chance to plant!!!

Well, it's finally happened.  I'm finally so sick of the rain I've started complaining about it.  I've tried to be a good little farmer and be grateful for the rain, knowing that once it stops, I have to pick up where it leaves off.  But I'm sooo, soooo, tired of the rain!

My tomatoes are in the ground and they're doing nothing because it's so cold and wet.  In fact, I think they're succumbing to the fungus of last year's crop.  I looked it up and I think it's called Alternaria, or Early Blight.  It's partially due to the rain and it's a soil borne fungus that can splash up on the leaves.  So I'm going to try mulch to keep the soil from splashing up on the leaves.  Aghghgh!  So frustrating.  

Ok, I think I'm done complaining.  Jason and I finished filling the new planter box today and I planted some onions, radishes and lettuce.  I hope they will fair a little better than the tomatoes.  
I know they're not susceptible to the same things, but this rain can't be very good for anything.  Maybe spinach, it likes cold and wet, only that brings on more slugs.  Ok, enough of that...  I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the moments of sun that came along.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm at the same place - it's time for us to be outside, not cooped up in the house thinking about all the things that we want to/need to do outside. A little rain I understand, but the torrential downpours have got to stop. Ridiculous.

    Also, I seem to have 18 tomato plants (not sure how that happened), so I should have some to spare. :)
