Saturday, June 5, 2010

Farm Chicks!!!! (Day 1)

So, in case you're having a hard time visualizing what "Farm Chicks" is all about, here is my little photo commentary and I've attached a link to the website as well. 

 This is the first day the show was open and it was packed to the rafters with people.  It was one of those situations where you wish you could just stretch your arms out to the side and spin like a windmill after telling people "sorry" (for bumping into them) 20 times.  I hope that makes sense... maybe only to those of us who are a little on the claustrophobic side.  

Nonetheless it was a great day and I saw (and purchased) so many unique and wonderful things.  I almost went off the deep end and purchased a sideboard for $850, but I thought better of it.  It was a great price, but I decided the construction wasn't as attractive as the details.  

There were so many amazing things to see.  This Cashier's counter was so unique and had beautiful, intricate details.  I bought a picnic basket and a couple of apple baskets from this nice "cashier".   Her husband was so helpful, he even helped us carry things out to the curb so we didn't have to lumber through the hall with our finds.  .  

Enamelware comes in so many different shapes and sizes and this is probably the biggest display I've ever seen.  There were so many different pieces.  

The couple that was selling the peanut brittle at this stand was so cute and friendly.  You can see that he really loves what he does...

The letter "R" seemed to be the theme of the day.  We found a huge one from an old marquee, then this smaller one that was just the coolest thing.  For the bargain price of $200 (it was copper), however,  it got to stay with it's exhibitor. 
 It was just funny how many R's we saw today.  Actually, I guess it could be the theme of the weekend, Rest, Relax, Recuperate, Retreat.  Oh and our maiden names both start with an R.  

I just thought these little parfait dishes were beautiful and deserved a photo.  :) 

This artist had a very cool style.  We're going back tomorrow for a couple of hours, so I'll have to catch her name and post it.   I can easily see her are featured in a magazine.  

Last but not least, one of my favorite artisans was there again, Alyson someone from Montana.  I bought some earrings from her when I visited four years ago and I was delighted to find her booth again.  I didn't get a photo of any of the earrings I bought, but I'll try to catch one tomorrow.  

We ended the day in true "Farm Chicks" fashion, with a little pampering... manicures and pedicures, a glass of wine and a good dinner.  I hope your day was as joyful and productive as mine. 

Rest well, there's another big day ahead tomorrow; for us Farm Chicks anyway. :)  

1 comment:

  1. DAH!! I am soooooo jealous!! I totally wanted to go to this, and I'm so psyched that you and Kelly got to go! It sounds and looks amazing. I might have to sneak over there next year. Glad you had fun (minus the claustrophobia of course... drives me a little crazy too!)!!!
