Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home... or Not?

So, we arrived home Sunday evening to find this...

Ah yes, my wonderful husband and his sense of humor. :)  He definitely made us laugh though and I know that was the intent.  It was pretty darn funny.
His humor did not continue as we unloaded stuff from the car though.  Not that he was upset, he just doesn't see the point in buying "old stuff".  I guess my rebuttal would be, "I don't see the point in buying new stuff that will be outdated within a matter of months".  No, no that can't be a not-so-hidden reference to electronics.  :)  

Anyway, that tangent aside... Kelly and I really enjoyed the last day of the show.  We only stayed for 2 1/2 hours, but I'm fairly certain I bought the same amount of "stuff" the second day!  The "R" theme continued, but at this point, we were looking for them... 

This was one of our really great finds, cast iron pans, seasoned, for only $12 each, oh and they're marked Wagner.  I've seen them for as much as $125!

I should have posted this the first day, but this is the milk truck that welcomed us as we walked in the front door.  This was the first time I could get a clear shot of it.  
Kip was the "relationship expert" at the hotel where we stayed, Holiday Inn Express.  He was such a sweetie!  

Yes this was "Diego" completely full for the trip home!  He definitely got a work out on this trip!

Here is the little display that Jason wasn't too impressed with, but we were very happy with our finds!  :) 

Hope you had a great weekend too!  

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