Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life whom I call friends.  And today I want to specifically thank one who just helped me get through a very stressful month of 40+  hour work weeks plus weddings on the weekends.

Not only that but she actually complemented me with a very nice post on her blog making it sound like I floated through it effortlessly and came out smelling like roses.  Well, the latter part may be true, but the former is definitely due to her assistance and companionship.
 I've mentioned Alyse before, but it was only when I read her blog and she broke down what we had done that I realized what a monumental help she is to me.  She says that she "just clips and cleans and hands off,  but Debbie does the heavy lifting".  (as you can see in the picture, she does her share of the heavy lifting too!)  The truth is that she is learning quickly, she listens and takes suggestions and direction well, without feeling offended and she does a great job.  She also anticipates my needs, sometimes I am looking for something, or getting ready to go grab something and suddenly she's holding it out in front of me.  It's an amazing help to me.
And the comic relief thing... well, if you've ever worked with me, you know I'm a very intense person when I work, so that quality is priceless.

That's why Alyse is the perfect balance for me.  She reminds me that we are doing a fantastic job, and reminds me to keep having fun, breathe and enjoy life.  Not only that, but I admire her sense of faith and religion without judgment.   Those are very important lessons to a person like me who gets too focused and forgets at times to stop and smell the roses.  Thank you Alyse, for finding me and for being there every step of the way to help me grow my business and our partnership and friendship!

1 comment:

  1. What a really sweet, thoughtful post... I love this! :)
