Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Goodbye Friend

This doesn't have anything to do with my farm, but it's about my life, so hopefully you'll indulge me. This week I lost a longtime friend and co-worker, Pat Blackford.  She was one of the most genuine people I've ever known.  She was always sincerely happy for me; she soaked up anything I told her about the farm, she enjoyed the harvest party last year and she was always excited for any project we had going.  She always thought to ask about Jason.  The best part is, I keep thinking of her scrunching up her shoulders and giving me a big hug, and an "oh honey, I'm so happy for you."  What a wonderful memory to leave me with.  Thank you Pat.  I miss you and I really wish you were still here.

1 comment:

  1. OH Debbie. Saying I'm sorry doesn't even cover it... but I am. What a great loss, and what a wonderful blessing to have had her in your life. I'm sending prayers and hugs and love your way...
