Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Day in the Garden

It doesn't look like much, but we got started on the garden today.

There's nothing like seeing the first shoots of flowers come up.  These fuzzy little poppies were such a cheery sight.

No matter how many hours you have to spend working, when you get one of those quiet moments at dusk when you begin to contemplate the bigger picture, it's so worth it.  I love the quiet, the sun settling quietly over our little valley, lighting the tops of the trees in the distance with a thin gold thread.

This time of the year is so full of possibility.  I'm dreaming of all the veggies I'll plant, and how this year, that I'll actually master companion planting so my garden will finally grow more veggies than weeds.    Corn, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peas, the flowers and the veggies, hops, blueberries, strawberries, apples.

Jason got all the weeds cleared out around the blueberry bushes. It looks great now!  Oh well, we still have plenty of time.  Hopefully we'll get more done this year.  So many possibilities...

1 comment:

  1. OH! Beautiful! Debbie, I just love you. And we need some girl time sometime soon. You have to teach me everything you know! :)
