Saturday, March 20, 2010


Well, I guess you can't actually call it playing hookie if I took the day off, but I felt like I was getting away with something.  The weather was beautiful, a little breezy, but sunny and 67.  I couldn't ask for more!

I let mama (Paula) and her girls outside today for the first time.  They really enjoyed scratching around in the dirt and taking turns jumping on Paula's back.  I'm not sure why they do that, but it's so cute!  You can see in this picture how protective she gets when anyone gets close.  She strains her neck and ruffles her feathers up.  She has really been a great little mother hen.

So far, this has been the epitome of a perfect weekend.  I got to spend some time out in the sun, had an extra day off, successful flower delivery, work on the fencing and dinner with another friends two nights in a row.  Simply wonderful!

Oh and I even got the chicken coop cleaned out yesterday.  I wouldn't even post a picture of my own bedroom right now, but check this out...

It only gets this clean twice a year, because I use the deep litter method.  But oh, how refreshing it feels when it is clean.  The poor chickens got confused because I forgot to put the milk cartons they know as their nests back after I finished cleaning.  So this morning I went out and found two eggs on the floor where the nest is supposed to be.  They're quite the creatures of habit.

You can see that the bees have been out enjoying this weather too.  I have to go in and treat for mites again tomorrow.  They seem to be doing really well.

More soon!

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