Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Arrivals...

So, we have a couple of new arrivals of a different kind, they're actually Kelly's new arrivals...

They're Kelly's new kitties, Gable

and Cody Rae

They are just the cutest things ever!  Hope you enjoy the pics!

I should have some more pics of the garden to add this weekend.  It's been awhile since we've done anything noteworthy, but I'll post something so you can see what's new and growing.  The good news is, it appears that my tomatoes may actually survive the rainy spring... That still remains to be seen.

Have a great day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Strawberry Hunting

Today was beautiful and fabulous!  Jason and I went to Silverton last night for dinner and an overnight stay at the Oregon Gardens. It was a spur of the moment trip, but well worth the time.

We came back early this morning after a short jaunt to the Oregon City Farmer's market for bread, lettuce and cod.  I know, sounds like a weird combination, but I'm sure it will come together.  :)

Jason made strawberry lemonade and Kelly made spinach cakes for lunch. It was quite decadent; perfect for a sunny day.   Better known in my circle as "awesome!".  
So, today was a day of great accomplishments...Including planting our cane berries...
a nap for Jason and a tanning session for Kelly and I, and a visit with some of my favorite people... My sister-in-law Christine and brother-in-law Mike...
Especially, a visit with some of my favorite short people, their boys, Chase and Derek...
  And they went strawberry hunting...
Look at the big treat we found in the raised bed.  It's not quite ready, and this picture isn't really even showing  how big it is, but it's ginormous and I can't wait to taste it!  
Then there was the visit with the goats.  They're always so curious about the kids, as are the kids about them. 
And of course... a much requested ride with Aunt Debbie on the tractor.  I think it's a toss up as far as who enjoys it more.
All in all, today was blissful.  I hope you enjoyed the sunshine too!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Guess What?

We have pumpkins!  I'm so unbelieveably excited!  I really thought that they were done for, with all the rain we've had lately...
but when I came home Sunday, this is what I found...
Yay!  There is still hope for the pumpkin patch this year!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home... or Not?

So, we arrived home Sunday evening to find this...

Ah yes, my wonderful husband and his sense of humor. :)  He definitely made us laugh though and I know that was the intent.  It was pretty darn funny.
His humor did not continue as we unloaded stuff from the car though.  Not that he was upset, he just doesn't see the point in buying "old stuff".  I guess my rebuttal would be, "I don't see the point in buying new stuff that will be outdated within a matter of months".  No, no that can't be a not-so-hidden reference to electronics.  :)  

Anyway, that tangent aside... Kelly and I really enjoyed the last day of the show.  We only stayed for 2 1/2 hours, but I'm fairly certain I bought the same amount of "stuff" the second day!  The "R" theme continued, but at this point, we were looking for them... 

This was one of our really great finds, cast iron pans, seasoned, for only $12 each, oh and they're marked Wagner.  I've seen them for as much as $125!

I should have posted this the first day, but this is the milk truck that welcomed us as we walked in the front door.  This was the first time I could get a clear shot of it.  
Kip was the "relationship expert" at the hotel where we stayed, Holiday Inn Express.  He was such a sweetie!  

Yes this was "Diego" completely full for the trip home!  He definitely got a work out on this trip!

Here is the little display that Jason wasn't too impressed with, but we were very happy with our finds!  :) 

Hope you had a great weekend too!  

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Farm Chicks!!!! (Day 1)

So, in case you're having a hard time visualizing what "Farm Chicks" is all about, here is my little photo commentary and I've attached a link to the website as well. 

 This is the first day the show was open and it was packed to the rafters with people.  It was one of those situations where you wish you could just stretch your arms out to the side and spin like a windmill after telling people "sorry" (for bumping into them) 20 times.  I hope that makes sense... maybe only to those of us who are a little on the claustrophobic side.  

Nonetheless it was a great day and I saw (and purchased) so many unique and wonderful things.  I almost went off the deep end and purchased a sideboard for $850, but I thought better of it.  It was a great price, but I decided the construction wasn't as attractive as the details.  

There were so many amazing things to see.  This Cashier's counter was so unique and had beautiful, intricate details.  I bought a picnic basket and a couple of apple baskets from this nice "cashier".   Her husband was so helpful, he even helped us carry things out to the curb so we didn't have to lumber through the hall with our finds.  .  

Enamelware comes in so many different shapes and sizes and this is probably the biggest display I've ever seen.  There were so many different pieces.  

The couple that was selling the peanut brittle at this stand was so cute and friendly.  You can see that he really loves what he does...

The letter "R" seemed to be the theme of the day.  We found a huge one from an old marquee, then this smaller one that was just the coolest thing.  For the bargain price of $200 (it was copper), however,  it got to stay with it's exhibitor. 
 It was just funny how many R's we saw today.  Actually, I guess it could be the theme of the weekend, Rest, Relax, Recuperate, Retreat.  Oh and our maiden names both start with an R.  

I just thought these little parfait dishes were beautiful and deserved a photo.  :) 

This artist had a very cool style.  We're going back tomorrow for a couple of hours, so I'll have to catch her name and post it.   I can easily see her are featured in a magazine.  

Last but not least, one of my favorite artisans was there again, Alyson someone from Montana.  I bought some earrings from her when I visited four years ago and I was delighted to find her booth again.  I didn't get a photo of any of the earrings I bought, but I'll try to catch one tomorrow.  

We ended the day in true "Farm Chicks" fashion, with a little pampering... manicures and pedicures, a glass of wine and a good dinner.  I hope your day was as joyful and productive as mine. 

Rest well, there's another big day ahead tomorrow; for us Farm Chicks anyway. :)  

Farm Chicks!!!!

Today we (my wonderful friend Kelly and I) made the long drive to Spokane, WA for the "Farm Chicks" antique show!  :)

I am so excited to see what treasures I'll find tomorrow!  We arrived in Spokane at about 4:00 this afternoon, took a nap (man I love not being on a schedule!)  Then we decided to grab a bite to eat at a local restaurant.  Oh my goodness did we ever have a bite!  The restaurant is "Clinkerdagger" and it's found in the "Flour Mill" shopping/tourist district.  The food was fabulous, beginning with mussels in a cioppino sauce, then filet mignon and scallops, followed by a triple layer chocolate cake with vanilla bean ice cream and toasted lavender garnish.  A-may-zing!  I would highly recommend the restaurant to anyone who happens to be in the area of downtown Spokane!  It was seriously the best steak I've ever had.  No offense to anyone who has served me steak in the past! :)

Have a great weekend!  I'll post pics of Farm Chicks soon!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life whom I call friends.  And today I want to specifically thank one who just helped me get through a very stressful month of 40+  hour work weeks plus weddings on the weekends.

Not only that but she actually complemented me with a very nice post on her blog making it sound like I floated through it effortlessly and came out smelling like roses.  Well, the latter part may be true, but the former is definitely due to her assistance and companionship.
 I've mentioned Alyse before, but it was only when I read her blog and she broke down what we had done that I realized what a monumental help she is to me.  She says that she "just clips and cleans and hands off,  but Debbie does the heavy lifting".  (as you can see in the picture, she does her share of the heavy lifting too!)  The truth is that she is learning quickly, she listens and takes suggestions and direction well, without feeling offended and she does a great job.  She also anticipates my needs, sometimes I am looking for something, or getting ready to go grab something and suddenly she's holding it out in front of me.  It's an amazing help to me.
And the comic relief thing... well, if you've ever worked with me, you know I'm a very intense person when I work, so that quality is priceless.

That's why Alyse is the perfect balance for me.  She reminds me that we are doing a fantastic job, and reminds me to keep having fun, breathe and enjoy life.  Not only that, but I admire her sense of faith and religion without judgment.   Those are very important lessons to a person like me who gets too focused and forgets at times to stop and smell the roses.  Thank you Alyse, for finding me and for being there every step of the way to help me grow my business and our partnership and friendship!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rain, rain go away ... Come again next week; give me a chance to plant!!!

Well, it's finally happened.  I'm finally so sick of the rain I've started complaining about it.  I've tried to be a good little farmer and be grateful for the rain, knowing that once it stops, I have to pick up where it leaves off.  But I'm sooo, soooo, tired of the rain!

My tomatoes are in the ground and they're doing nothing because it's so cold and wet.  In fact, I think they're succumbing to the fungus of last year's crop.  I looked it up and I think it's called Alternaria, or Early Blight.  It's partially due to the rain and it's a soil borne fungus that can splash up on the leaves.  So I'm going to try mulch to keep the soil from splashing up on the leaves.  Aghghgh!  So frustrating.  

Ok, I think I'm done complaining.  Jason and I finished filling the new planter box today and I planted some onions, radishes and lettuce.  I hope they will fair a little better than the tomatoes.  
I know they're not susceptible to the same things, but this rain can't be very good for anything.  Maybe spinach, it likes cold and wet, only that brings on more slugs.  Ok, enough of that...  I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the moments of sun that came along.  :)