Saturday, September 12, 2009


When was the last time you got this call,? "I need you to get home as soon as you can, one of the cows has wire wrapped around it's neck!"  Poor Jas' he was so stressed.  He successfully got the wire off of the heifer's neck though with no injuries, thank goodness!  I'm really pretty impressed with this feat. Just the other day, I could barely get them to eat out of my hand.  That's how uncomfortable they are around us, but he got close enough to cut the wire and make sure she was ok. 

Tonight was the perfect type of night.  Nice and warm outside, lots of crickets chirping and a clear sky.  I love it!  Yesterday we harvested 7 frames of honey.  I haven't extracted them yet, but they're sitting on my dining room table just waiting to be "spun".  There is nothing better than the smell of honey and bees wax.  Anytime I walk past the dining room I get a whiff of it and it smells heavenly!

Tomorrow is a day of pampering, oh and furniture shopping... I'm finally using the gift certificate my friend Kelly got me for Christmas for a facial.  Yay!  Thanks Kell!

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