Thursday, September 10, 2009


I find myself wondering about Karma tonight...  Jason and I went to collect honey from the bees tonight and we dropped our brand new camera in the grass by the hive.  I'm sick to my stomach thinking it's permanently damaged.  I'm thinking of Karma because here we are "stealing" honey from our hard working bees and trying to take pictures of it and we drop the camera.  Hmmm....
Oh well, I think my wonderful husband has definitely taken giant steps to redeem his Karma.  We accidentally brought a bee in on the frames, that buzzed angrily around the dining room lights for a couple of hours.  I gave Jason a pitiful look and said, I feel bad for that bee.  He actually took two glasses, trapped it and walked it "home" to the hive.  I love him more every day. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about the camera - that's terrible! I hope it will be okay.

    Is there a bee back to the hive song like there's a goats to bed song? I'm thinking he should make an album. :)
