Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stubborn Streak

It defies all conventional wisdom, but I planted some new seeds today anyway.
 It's just so late in the season to start something,  but I was just itching to plant the green beans I've had since last year!  I guess I just figure I like small fresh green beans anyway, so they should have enough time to at least produce some beans even if they're small.  I also planted some of my dahlia tubers that my friend Sarah gave me.  I was determined that they should at least have a chance to sprout this year, even if they don't bloom this season.  My peas, that I put in late in the season, are doing really well! I harvested some this weekend and they're really sweet and crisp.  I love fresh peas!
That's why I called this post stubborn streak.  I'm just too stubborn to give up on the garden this year.  And I'm glad I haven't.  It's looking really good.  I have a lot of weeds of course, but I'm keeping those at bay as much as possible. I'm also happy to report that my tomatoes are recovering from the rainy spring and they're growing nicely.
Our potatoes are doing marvelously too!  Check them out.  I had to hill them again this weekend and I can hardly hill them high enough!
Now we're going to be gone for several weekends, so I'll have to rely on my trusty friend Rachel and my weekday evenings to keep things under control.
Other than gardening this weekend, we enjoyed a visit with our friends Jim and Brenda from Missouri and Rene' who now lives here in Portland and her boyfriend Nick.  We all had a great time checking out Farmer's Market and Portland Saturday Market.
Hope you had a great weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! We had such a great time. Thank you so much for letting us stay in your beautiful house. Oh and how can I forget that amazing dinner and home-made ice cream! So great reconnecting with you after all these years. ;)
