Monday, July 5, 2010

Better Late than Never???

Finally there is something noteworthy in our garden!  They're not ready to harvest yet, but our "Laxton's Progress" peas are doing well.  I'm hoping the heat wave forecast next week doesn't wipe them out.  Do you think I'd be laughed out of town if I put out an umbrella for my peas?  

Also of note are our strawberries!
Although they are definitely crowded in their little planter box, they are growing rapidly and have yielded some large beautiful berries. 
 I'm sorry to say, however, that they don't have the same impressive sweetness that they might if we had had the sunny June we can usually count on.  Oh well, we'll take what we can get.  Jason is planning to make homemade strawberry ice cream for his parents' visit tomorrow.  Can't wait!
My other little treasure of the garden is my "Mock Orange" shrub.  It has the most beautiful fragrance.  I wish I put a scratch and sniff spot on the blog so you could enjoy it.  It's just amazingly sweet and fresh.  I wish I had ten of them in the garden.
I hope you and yours had a wonderful 4th of July.  God Bless America!  

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