Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beautiful Fall Day

Today was a beautiful day!  Complete with a visit with Mike & Christine, Chase & Derek.  We went for a little walk, took rides on the tractor and enjoyed some really good Chicken & Dumplings (if I do say so myself).  The recipe is courtesy of America's Test Kitchen.  I love it!  Jason even loves it. He can be a little picky about his food sometimes.  :)  Anyway, the boys loved their rides on the tractor.  Chase even tried stearing for me.  He did pretty good, with just a little help.  Derek didn't want to at first, but eventually he tried.  He had a great time! :)

When they left Jason and I had a nice nap.  I fell asleep to the sound of the Vikings/Packers game... Which the Vikings won by the way.  It's kind of hard not to be happy for Favre.  I'm kind of torn, I want to be a Packer's fan, but it's so hard not to root for Favre!  Anyway, I digress, we had a nice nap and when I woke up at 5:00 I ran the recycling to the dump so I won't be tripping over it all week.  Went to Coastal for some shavings and grit for the chicken coop and came home and cleaned the barn.  It's such a nice feeling to "put them to bed" in nice fresh stalls.  It's amazing how easily the chickens get stressed.  I felt bad getting them excited, but I really needed to get it clean.  With the time change it will be dark each night when I get home from work.  Well, it was dark then too, but I really wanted to get it done.  It looks so nice and fresh in there now. 

We really need to get some new roosts set up too.  The girls all crowd together

 and sometimes there are a couple that aren't so lucky, they have to sit on top of the nesting boxes.  ... Maybe they're just anti-social???

Harold was nosy and obnoxious as usual. 

He was rotten today when we went for a walk.  He kept trying to headbutt Derek.  We actually had to leave the pasture because he was following too close.  I think Derek was just too close to his height, so he decided he'd like to play the same games he plays with Maude.  That's all for now.  Goodnight!

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