Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Rainy Oregon Day

It is pouring outside; we even got a little thunder earlier today.  Hobbes was not impressed.  He quickly retreated to the closet.  We started finishing our sod in the backyard, but got rained out again. 

Jason is concerned about us getting sick, otherwise I'd still be out there.  It's nice to take a break though.  But it's still pouring, so here I sit typing.  I think Emma has the right idea about how to spend a rainy day...

I ended up going to the feed store to pick up some more chicken scratch and grain for the cows.  One of my co-workers, Sheila, is planning on giving me her chickens since she's moving into town.  So I spent some time looking at the barn stall trying to figure out what upgrades I need to make.  I think just add a couple more roosts and some more nesting boxes.  Even though they tend to all lay in one box anyway.  I also need  to add another low roost for my little "Frizzle" who can't fly up to the roosts with all of the other girls.

Hahns and Donna and Christian and Alaina came up for dinner tonight.  We had a great time together.  Jason and I had a bet how long we thought it would take Christian to ask to play video games.... 

He acutally made it through 3 episodes of home repair shows before he asked.  I was pretty impressed.  Then Hahns and Donna went to the club and the kids and I made cookies,

and now I'm watching them play "Up".  It's pretty funny because the characters can hit each other and they make funny noises.  It's pretty cute.  :)  The kids get a huge kick out of it.

 Now I'm really tired and want nap time!  :)

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