Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall Fun

Jason and I made a pumpkin pie together today.  He told me first thing this morning, "hey, I thought we could bake something together."  I thought he must have been up to something, but he was serious.  :)  We finally got around to starting it around 5:00.  I found this new recipe at All  It was awesome!  The recipe calls for honey; I was really excited to use some of our honey.  We used one of our home grown pumpkins too.  YUM!!!!  The recipe even stood up well, it didn't turn to mush when it was served.  :)

I spent some time today getting the barn ready to house our new chickens.  I'm getting 9 new chickens from a co-worker who is moving into town.  They're Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rock.  I hope they'll do well with their new roommates.  :)  Jason helped me put up two new roosts so we'll be prepared for them.

I'm looking forward to them arriving this week.  Oh!  We got two very large eggs today.  I think these girls need a week off!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Did one of your birds turn into an ostrich? That's quite the egg! Yummy looking pie, too.
