Saturday, October 31, 2009

Busy Week

After my comment, "I can't wait till this weekend....", a good friend and mentor told me, "honey, don't wish your life away...".  I think about that often as I look forward to a special event, or a change in the weather.  She was right, I shouldn't wish my life away, but I'm sure glad it's Friday and I have the whole weekend ahead of me.  I spent the week not getting home until 8:00 or 9:00 each night and I'm exhausted.  Now I have a weekend of "good clean work" and visits with family and friends ahead of me.  This is my favorite time.  Tomorrow we put sod in the back yard.  I'm so excited about that! :)  Here is the before picture...  It's going to be hard work and raining, but I'm still looking forward to it. 

And here is the after picture...

I'm afraid the rain got the best of us.  We weren't able to lay the sod today.  Everything was just too soggy and we can't lay it without big ruts from stepping in the dirt.  They're going to try again on Tuesday... 

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