Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snowy Surprise!

We had a wonderful surprise this afternoon, 3 inches of snow.  I love the crunch of fresh snow under my boots and the glow of Christmas lights over the snow.  What a nice change of pace!  It took me a little less than two hours to get home, but that provided time to talk to my hubby, catch up with a friend and talk to mom.  There are worse ways to spend a couple of hours.

The chickens don't seem to be affected by the weather though.  My little overachievers are at it again.  Check out this egg...

I can't help but feel a little sympathy for my poor little chicken.    The crazy thing is, I got two of these this week!  I'm not really sure what's going on, but they're all still walking, so I guess there's no harm done.

That's all for now.  Hope you have a wonderful week, no matter what the weather brings!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time Well Wasted

Today was one of those days I dream about....  going to my favorite antique stores, hanging out with my mother-in-law

(yes, I got VERY lucky in the in-law department), finding the perfect new "old world" Santa to add to my collection, having a nice dinner with my in-laws, decorating our Christmas tree

 and enjoying a good movie.  Oh and BONUS!!!  I even got to make popcorn, well it was supposed to be popcorn balls, but it turned out to be cararmel corn, you know, the kind that makes you afraid it's going to pull out your fillings.

 Jason's mom had been talking about how Chuck's mom used to make the best popcorn balls.  And I thought, this is perfect, I love traditions!  So we tried our hand at it.  We both decided we'll try the marshmallow popcorn ball recipe next time.  Still, it was nice to do a little "baking" with her.

Meanwhile the boys went to Costco, watched movies and played video games.  So we each enjoyed the day in our own way.   :)

In the midst of all of that, we actually made it in and out of the mall (the last weekend before Christmas) in one piece (an hour and 15 mins to get less than a quarter of a mile, but in one piece nevertheless)  AND, I actually managed to get my oil changed and get out of Jiffy Lube for only $19.99.  That, I consider a true accomplishment.  :)

If I don't have time to blog before Christmas, I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday, filled with laughter, the sights, smells and sounds of Christmas, oh yes, and lots of "time well wasted".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So, I learned tonight that eggs split when they freeze.  Check it out...

So, this morning I woke up to "honey, we're going to have to put a space heater in the pump house.  It's frozen; so there's no water."  So Jason barely got through his shower and the water ran out.  We must have had water in the holding tank, so there was enough for his shower.  Luckily I have showers at work, so I had somewhere to go.

That wasn't the only setback though, when I went out to the barn, we lost a blue andalusian hen.  Such a bummer, poor thing.  I don't think it was because of the temperature though, there must have been something else going on.  I'm just sad to lose one.

Then there was water for the cows... That was frozen too of course, so I had to break the ice and then poured a bottle of Sierra Springs water in for them.  I know that's crazy, but I felt like it had to have some warmer water or it would freeze again right away.  So, we have some very spoiled cows.  I feel so bad for them when it's so cold outside.
Hope you're keeping warm.  :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Good Egg, Bad Egg

So, the overtime at work lately hasn't allowed for much blogging, but I do have one little tidbit for anyone who's interested.

If you've ever wondered how to tell if an egg is good or bad, here's the tip.  If an egg floats, you know it's no good, don't take any chances.  If it sinks, you're safe.

 See, bad egg...


                                                  Good Egg...

Now you know. :)

That's all I have for now.  Have a great week!