Sunday, May 29, 2011

Waiting for Lightning

I'm frustrated to admit that I have no photos to accompany this post. I accidentally deleted them from the card.  I spend the day with my little friend Kelsey who hung out with me while her parents moved.  At one point, just as we were headed out to ride the tractor (It takes a great deal of thought to keep little ones entertained by the way), thunder rumbled and lightning cracked!  It was so exciting to hear it echo over our little valley.  The next 1/2 hour was spent waiting patiently for the next crack and roll of thunder.  The light was beautiful and I had a wonderful picture of Kelsey sitting on the porch, watching and waiting for the next flash!  These are the moments I want my life to be filled with.  There are many such moments actually, and I can recall them all vividly.  I wonder what my connection to thunder and lightning is?  There was the time that I was at Leach Botanical Gardens for a cooking class, we were sitting listening to the instructor, the doors were wide open to the garden, and suddenly CRACK!  Lightening split the sky and the thunder rumbled for the seconds following.  Then there was the time I was in Utah with my friend Jennifer.  I remember hearing the first lightening strike and firmly planting myself on the porch to watch the display.  Then tonight, watching Kelsey get so excited over the next roll of thunder and crack of lightening, was wonderful.  This is what I value in life and I'm so grateful I had the time with her today.

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