Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sweet Reward

Actually, I don't know that I can call this a reward, because I think you have to earn a reward.

 I can't really say I earned this potato harvest, although I did work hard planting them and weeding them at the beginning of the summer.  They've pretty much been on their own (with the help of Rachael watering) since July.  There's just been so much going on. But whatever you want to call it, I was very happy to find this tonight when we harvested the potatoes.

The weeds are also doing fabulous by the way... in case you wanted to know. :)  

Aside from that, I also canned tuna this weekend.  Actually I should say we, because Jason helped me a little bit.  I bought 137 lbs., thinking that it would yield 65 lbs.  I don't know why I thought that because tuna are almost all muscle, but I just remembered wrong.  So, instead of canning the 6 cases I thought I would have, I have 12 cases!  And after canning for 24 hours, I've had my fill for awhile! :)  


  1. That is a lovely harvest of potatoes... and a darn cute garden hod as well! ;)

    Love you...

  2. I love my garden hod! Thank you so much for it! :)
