Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Day in the Garden

It doesn't look like much, but we got started on the garden today.

There's nothing like seeing the first shoots of flowers come up.  These fuzzy little poppies were such a cheery sight.

No matter how many hours you have to spend working, when you get one of those quiet moments at dusk when you begin to contemplate the bigger picture, it's so worth it.  I love the quiet, the sun settling quietly over our little valley, lighting the tops of the trees in the distance with a thin gold thread.

This time of the year is so full of possibility.  I'm dreaming of all the veggies I'll plant, and how this year, that I'll actually master companion planting so my garden will finally grow more veggies than weeds.    Corn, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peas, the flowers and the veggies, hops, blueberries, strawberries, apples.

Jason got all the weeds cleared out around the blueberry bushes. It looks great now!  Oh well, we still have plenty of time.  Hopefully we'll get more done this year.  So many possibilities...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Life's Rythm

It's just been life as usual on the farm lately.  Except for saying goodbye to the cows.  I know when I buy them, I know as I'm feeding them, I know even as I'm trying to ignore them bellowing at me to bring their hay.  I know what their fate will be, a fate that I actually call and schedule.  But it's still hard, each year.  I think maybe we should raise calves to sell to someone else to raise for beef.  But, there is something to be said for raising pasture raised beef, who are treated well and cared for.  That's the only thing that makes this bearable.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

We welcomed the new year with a couple of new traditions...  We joined friends, Travis and Sarah at their home with their boys Ben and Ry and Jason's co-worker Kate for a nice quiet New Year Celebration.  Ben introduced us to a Spanish tradition; you eat 1 grape for the last 8 seconds of the year.  It was totally fun as we all sat there popping grapes into our mouths, smiling and laughing at each other and trying not to choke!  It turns out, (as Travis looked it up online) that the tradition is actually 12 grapes.  It's thought to secure happiness for the 12 months of the coming year.  I LOVE traditions.  Ben was so cute; smiling, trying to keep his mouth closed around those 8 grapes.  I'm guessing his teacher taught him 8 because he didn't want them to choke on the full 12 grapes!  :)

My next New Year's experience is that I tried my hand at making a German pancake this morning.  I sold some eggs to my friend Ginger England yesterday and she said she was going to use them for German pancakes.  I was really intrigued, so she sent me the recipe.  It turned out great!  I would like to try next time with cake flour (that rises better).  Still, it turned out beautiful! :)

Happy New Year to you and yours.  I hope your New Year's traditions are wonderful!  Share them with me if you think of it!