Monday, December 6, 2010

Dirt + water + manure = MUD

So, I started the weekend off right with some good clean, 'er dirty work. 
Like I said, dirt, plus water, plus manure = mud.  It's an eventuality when you have animals... unless you have a sacrifice area.  We need to create a sacrifice area, no, not an area to slaughter the cows, an area where you don't grow grass, you just spread ground cover so the livestock can be there without creating mud.  So, the only solution I could think of to try is "hog fuel".  I had a unit of it delivered this morning and spread it out as much as I could stand.  That's a good work out on the abs!  So, this is after... 
I should have taken a close up picture, maybe later.  I will say, the cows thought the new pile was a little "mattress" just for them.  It was cute.  

One of our cows looked like he was turning into the Grinch with all of the alfalfa stuck to his head.  They sure love that stuff!   

Road runner?  or Lakenvelder chicken?  Nope, just a Lakenvelder.  :)  

Hope you had a bountiful productive weekend too!

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