Yesterday was the most amazing day! It started off with me running around getting last minute supplies for the Harvest Party we've been planning for months. As I drove to the flower market to p/u candles and Bittersweet the sun was shining through the clouds periodically. Then I stopped to p/u the linens from Barclay's rentals. While I was waiting for them to get my order together, I milled around a little looking for acorns under their huge oak tree. It's surprisingly difficult to find acorns with their little caps still attached! By the time I was ready to leave there was a torential downpour! I couldn't believe it... I was determined not to let it get me down though. The weather just is what it is, I guess if people have to be elbow to elbow inside the house, it will still be ok. I arrived home and stepped inside just in time to see the neighbors tent, they so graciously lent us, go tumbling across the back yard. That's when my demeanor went south! Jason was cooking the base for his cinnamon ice cream on the stove and had to abandon his post to try to figure out what to do with the tent. It turns out when it hit the ground, it buckled the support arms and they were broken. So I'm scurrying around at Jason's request looking for a hammer, stakes, my dumbells, anything we can think of to anchor the thing down in the still blustering wind! (It's still standing in the backyard by the way). After we got that under control Jason realized his ice cream base was boiling on the stove, NOT GOOD! But, we managed to pull it all together. Our wonderful friend Jeff arrived in the midst of the chaos and added just enough humor to keep me from totally losing it. Because meanwhile I still haven't showered, there are now only 2 1/2 hours left before the party and I'm still supposed to make pigs in a blanket for the kids, roasted carrots, squash stuffing casserole, pickle wraps, an apple pie and a pear sour cream pie. Needless to say, I did manage to shower and get ready in time, but the pies became an apple/pear sour cream crisp, the pigs are still without their blankets, the squash is sitting next to the box of Stovetop Stuffing mix on the kitchen counter and the pickle wraps never materialized. No one was the wiser though. In fact, there was so much food, I should be set until Thanksgiving!
But, that's just the background... The party was a HUGE success! We had such a fabulous time. I got to meet a lot of Jason's co workers, they were all very nice! Leslie and Gayle were really great about checking out the animals and checking out the garden. It was really cool. I really wish I would have had more time to visit with everyone, but that's how it goes when you're the hostess.
My favorite parts of the party were the music, played by our neighbor, Steve Couch, and his band members, the pictures and the beer Travis made. They band played guitar, fiddle and bass guitar. It was wonderful! Everyone just hung out on the porch listening to them play. Matt made his awesome smoked pork shoulder, I ordered a beautiful fall themed cake from Bittersweet baking in Salem. Rachael made an awesome chocolate caramel fudget cake, Mike and Bethany brought a pear crisp from the pears of his mom's pear tree. Jeff made awesome deviled eggs, John brought potato salad, mom made beautiful German chocolate cakes and everyone brought side dishes and desserts to share. Kids were running in and out of the barn, playing on the hay and checking out the animals.
Then the pictures... Donna took pictures of everyone for me. I'm so grateful that she did that. You just can't be everywhere when you're hosting a party and this way I got to see all the things I missed.
Then Travis' beer was a huge hit! Everyone kept asking about who made it and if he keeps his recipes. The guys were actually "guarding" the beer in the garage so he wouldn't take it when he left.
It was just great having family hanging around and kids running everywhere. It was just exactly what I imagined. I got lots of compliments on my decorating, which was very nice. I'm just so glad everyone was happy and comfortable and relaxed. It was great!
The topper to the night was when Ry, Travis & Sarah's youngest son didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to me. He was so cute!!! :)
If I wasn't so tired, I'd want to do it again next weekend!